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Lacrimal Syringing - How and why its done



What Is Lacrimal Syringing ?

It is a common procedure performed by an ophthalmologist ( or an ENT surgeon ) wherein fluid (normal saline ) is passed from one end of the tear drainage system ( lacrimal apparatus ) to see whether it emerges from the other end. Thus we can easily asses whether the tear drainage system is patent or blocked.

Why Is Lacrimal Syringing Done ?
When a patient complains of  excessive watering of the eyes , the doctor has to check whether his/her tears are draining properly..ie whether the watering eyes are due to a block in the tear drainage system.

  1. To check the tear drainage system (naso lacrimal duct ) for any blockage ( the site and nature of the block ).
  2. To flush out debris from the tear drainage system ( eg due to any infection ) .
  3. In India it is done before cataract surgery to rule out chronic dacryocystitis ( infection of the nasolacrimal sac ) .
  4. To instill antibiotics in the tear drainage system and also dye for X rays.

How Do The Tears Drain ?(the tear drainage system/lacrimal apparatus )

Easy Step-by-Step Guide To Lacrimal Syringing

Equipment you'll need :

Normal Saline
Syringe 2 ml
Topical Anesthetic Eye Drops

Nettleship's Punctum Dilator

Lacrimal Cannula

Also some sterile gauze pieces,cotton swabs,towels
Lacrimal Syringing Equipment Set

Comments (4)

more info to come including vids...so hang on

Great help!

Great help!

I'm going soon to get in my both eyes Lacrimal Syringing and they will digoness why my eyes r watering (tearducts)they will do saline solution

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